Monday, May 13, 2013

More about Mother's Day 

the whole truth ~ living it up and then some

It felt like my day.  Actually, my week.  Flowers arrived well in advance.  
Kids called.  Mom liked her gift.    

Just for Fun

Dreamy Dusk

My New Attitude

Requested Mother's Day Breakfast ~ Oatmeal with cherries, apples and bananas.  And cinnamon.

Solo Shopping at Leisure.

Kale Salad with Smoked Salmon

Alfredo with Tomatoes, Bacon, Onions 

Tea and Table Settings Event - Homesteader Museum

Jerry's Pick of the Lot -
 while waiting for dessert we enjoyed the
effects of back lighting on our centerpiece -
 looked like it was floating, he said.

 We promised ourselves a 15 mile bike ride that very day.

Last But Not Least


  1. Wow. I love your photojournalism of your Mother's Week. What a treat! I hope that dessert was as yummy as it looked. Essential oils ARE a treat. Cool! Good you got so many delicious meals in there.

    My request was something grilled and very flavorful. Lyle decided he wanted to do a tri-tip so we went to the meat market and he did a prime job of grilling it. We sliced and put in tacos. Just right!

    The girls were very disappointed to wake up Monday and find that it was no longer Mother's Day. I dropped the ball on that one, I should have campaigned for a Mother's Week too! Mother's Day was at least as good as a birthday to them! Even though there were no cake, candles or presents, there was certainly a celebratory attitude in the air. Mya caught on to my statement that the best present would be well-behaved girls! They did pretty well for a Sunday :)

    Love LW in SE WA

    1. Sounds like you have some party girls! I sure was impressed with younger daughter's persistence it getting to the party part of the party. Maybe that is their reward for all that good behavior!

  2. I really like this idea of a mother's week. LW and I started early and went out for lunch a couple times. This was a combination extention of birthdays and mothers day since we would not be together for Sunday.

    Very cool photos and I especially like your white outfit with the orange pop of color. Yummy looking food.

    Way to go Jerry for that great looking oatmeal breakfast with fruit added. Yum!

  3. The orange scarf is rather peachy in real time, and I told Jerry he should have told me it needed adjusting. I know you would prefer me to wear a pencil skirt, but the whites were a little off, so I went with the flared. I love the white skirt you gave me and I've put it on a few times, but haven't made it out the door with it on, yet. Working on it. My bedroom looks like a clothes explosion some days before I get out the door, and after I go to bed. I need some help with hooks and am trying to convince Jerry to move out of his half of the closet. Want to come visit?

  4. Okay, I can see the orange is a peachy shade. I didn't think it needed adjusting. I just thought you meant to wear it asymmetrical.

    I like this look including the flared skirt. One thing I think is that J probably took this photo and he is taller. Sometimes when you do a self photo it is too low of an angle and accentuates the hips.

    Yes, the clothes explosion happens here too. Surely J wants to move out of his half of the closet. I'll come help convince him sometime. On the other hand maybe I won't else I become an uninvited guest.

    Like my closet there are always things in there that need to go. Sometimes I end up being sorry I've let a few things go, but not usually. I've been using totes to store the too small items and the off season things go in the guest room closet. I started this season with all the hangers hung backward. As I wash them they go back in hanging from the front. At the end of the season I will dispose of the things that remaining hanging backward and they will be discarded.

    1. Your closet is so impressive that I feel slightly intimidated about going to that level, but I guess I will try! I wish I had taken a picture of both of them! The latest addition to Jerry's closet is a pair of "rain" pants from Sierra Trading Post. He is attending class in a downpour today. Yesterday the students were frozen by noon.

    2. You want a picture of my closets? You would not be impressed. They are stuffed right now as we are doing vacation rental prep for this afternoon's move in and I can't even step in there.

      The rain pants sound necessary. Sounds like you are having spring weather; sometimes unpredictable and severe.
