Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Trip 2 ~ Shoshone River

Hope she likes it!

Front Row Seat

White Water Ahead

When the water was calm, we spent the time admiring the scenery and
getting acquainted with our boat-mates.

"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality" - 

Ayn Rand

I am so enthusiastic about the finish of our first chalk paint project.
Check out my sister's blog for her upcoming pictures.  

She claims it took some effort to fully spark my interest.  
I could have been slightly blase' about the extravagant claims
she was making regarding the virtues and versatility of chalk paint! 

Wood, shower walls, driveways and concrete? 

Do you blame me for being skeptical?

It appears she is an expert at asking advice. Two or three calls were made
to check and verify information as we worked with this new-to-us product. Later I learned that by not sparing herself in the quest for detailed instructions, she found a kindred spirit.  An invitation has been extended regarding visits to Walla Walla over a daughter's college career in volleyball, and it all started with offers to hand deliver paint and an inquisitive attitude.

I feel both chastened and inspired by the possibilities of keeping a warm heart and open, creative, curious mind.

Silver Touch Ups
On to the next one.

 Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever. ~Aristophanes

Cooking supper, needed basil... pretty flower...just a minute...

Aim to Please


Gearing Up
Glad for a generous supply of 22 Shells on hand - 
Because they are sure hard to buy right now!
Loaded For Bear
The Short But Sweet Birthday Celebration

Ride Horses
Raft Trip
Ice Cream Treats
Computer Games
Practice Stick Shift
Cody Gunfighters Show

"Doodle" Book   

Manual Transmission Practice

Ahhh - Wyoming Views

Sun Beams

The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity.

Walt Whitman

Hurry Up and Wait
"We Will Be Right Back After This Message"

The Outlaw - Down But Not Out
Chalk Paint Goes On Everything

Water Test

Onions and Other Things 

Letter to Daddy

Back to Work

√ New Light Bulbs
√ Clean Light Fixtures
√ Patch, Texture, Paint Touch Up
√ Shampoo Living Room Carpet
√Shampoo Two Bedrooms and Stairway Carpet
√ Clean Bathroom Ceiling Fan and Wash Front Door

Western Sky


  1. Wow! You packed a lot into a few short days. :) So glad you all got the opportunity to be together. I have enjoyed my plenteous together time with everyone this year too.

    Lovely photos as usual. Great job! I think other than enjoying all the people ones, my favorites are of, as usual, the sky. What beautiful sunsets and sunbeams!

    I must say I was surprised when Mom took me up on my repeated invitations and says they'll stay with us two weekends in a row for their next two rentals! Garden shed remodel, last year's paperwork, and food are definitely on the list. I'm excited!

    Love LW in SE WA

    1. Hope you are doing a photo documentary of the shed remodel. We always pack our days as full as we can get them. Time is short together, the distances long and your mother is a trooper as you know very well. Are they camping in your yard? Great idea! The new ideas for the trailer decor from Love of Junk probably won't start happening with irresistible grand kids to entertain...oh, well, later, right? I started making rugs AFTER, long after Grandma passed away, but you know they were never as good as hers, as none of her daughters would want to let me forget! Ha! Hers wore out. Mine have not. Yet, anyway. (Because I don't let people walk on them. :) If my sister keeps up this pace with the vacation rental there will be plenty of opportunities for her ideas to come to fruition.

    2. Yes, I am working on a photo documentary of shed remodel. You will enjoy it I think :) Will wait until it's done to put together though.

      Yes, camping in our yard/driveway, or they are welcome in the house too of course :) But they have made themselves a comfy living space in their trailer. Haha, if we manage to make good progress on the paperwork, which really needs done, maybe some trailer re-decorating can take place.

      LW in SE WA

  2. Oh there you go, putting first things first! More power to ya!

  3. Oh wow! Great photos. I really laughed at your description of being talked into the painting projects. You are SO funny. We had a great time and now LW has ideas a mile long of projects we can paint for her. First up will be their kitchen table. I refrained from bringing the paint this time because we are really trying to be good and do the paperwork. We have been after it for hours now and have made good progress. Had to take a break when she informed me your new blog is up. I think she waited until the end of the day on purpose as she knew I would be distracted. What a great time. Thanks!


  4. Thanks for such a special time. Your hospitality is amazing. Thank you for making such an effort to give the children great memories too. They loved having time with you. That was such a nice thing that you asked for a list of their desired activities on the first day.

    My teasing about the disinterest in the chaulk paint could have been done without. I still have much to learn. The reality is it took your gett 'er done influence for me to pop the lid off the paint can the first time. And when I did it was apt to keep going. Good thing I left lest your whole house would be covered in paint.

    Sigh....the work cant be put off any more. Your list reveals that we should have been painting the rental rather than tables. Have been so grateful for book keeping help. Back at it again today.

  5. The paint at the rental was a mere touch up...approximately 4 feet by one foot and was done in stages, in between a well heated carpet cleaning. Perfectly acceptable. You are undervaluing your influence because yes, if it was up to you my whole house would have been covered in paint...and I would have loved it, but missed out on some other fun shopping with the kids and the raft trip which was so much fun. It's settled. I love rapids. And I don't know who's to blame but I spent hours at my desk yesterday and made good progress on the books at long last...until I couldn't hack it for another moment. I'm glad you have help with yours and I'm glad I could focus alone on mine. Interruptions drive me bonkers when I'm trying to concentrate.

  6. You two have such a good time together! I love how much you get done. It appears that one gets it started and the other keeps it going and in the end, you have great success. The raft trip brought back some good memories from my time in Moscow. Kirk Hill got a trip going every year and it was so much fun (except a few minutes of sheer terror when you were sure someone wasn't going to get out of that whirlpool). Glad that you mixed some kid fun in there too. And it was cool to see Jerry enjoying the company too.

    1. "It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how." My new favorite quote. I am a screamer when I get on the rapids. I also do 1/2 back flips. That was on our first solo trip down the canyon. We hit a couple of big ones square on. It was exciting. Pictures may be coming. Haven't looked at them yet, but made some effort despite living in the moment.
