Monday, July 8, 2013


(and some 'er not so random.)

All the details about Ethiopia.

Go ahead, I'll take a picture of your funny face.

Flower Girl

You turned.  My cue.
One step.  Confidence.
One look.  Strength, too.
The message?  Love.
 My magic. You.

Humor coming to this situation

She walks well, she looks good. Let's see how she kisses. 

Strom Thurmond

“Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to have fun
But you have to know how.” 
― Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat (Deluxe Edition)

The most remarkable thing about my mother 
is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. 
 The original meal has never been found. 

 ~Calvin Trillin

Giving Orders? (She does it very well.)

Pow-Wow (With Tippi, of course.)

"Love, and you shall be loved. All love is mathematically just,
 as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Bride and her smallest attendant.

One of my favorite kinds of chip and kid.

On her feet a good part of the day!

"May I print a kiss on your lips?" I said,
And she nodded her full permission:
So we went to press and I rather guess
We printed a full edition.

~Joseph Lilientha

Yes, someone got some pictures of the water fall with the flowers around it.

Habner Hubub

Habner Magic

Taking Attendance.

It's a stick-up.

The Pianist.

Duty Calls

The Feast

The Rain.

The Flower Girl.

~the tears came later...during the beautiful ceremony.

Eight Days Later...

Shell Canyon was in bloom.

Husband allowed a camera stop.  :)  I know this was hard for him!

He was anxious to get going, but tolerated my addiction.

Alpine Blooms, Moose...and no telephoto lens. :(

Shell Falls

Painted Rocks

The Good Old Days

A Hummer

Rock of Ages?


Live Streaming

Sunday Evening ~ Husband's dream fulfilled.  Bike ride from the Top to the Bottom of the hill.


  1. Great photojournaling of the entire day! So glad we got to see you. So sorry you were sick...

    Have a wonderful week ;) Have some fun for me. I've had too many trips lately so won't be adding to my roster for awhile.

    Love LW in SE WA

    1. Whoops. Guess I commented before you finished posting! I love the quotes too. Very nice!

      The captions on all your photos, especially the ones you took on your other trip, are quite humorous! It was high time for me to have a chuckle after the day I've had. Babysat 5-month old for my friend today as she worked an 8-hour day. Whew! Baby was missing his mama. I'm tired. Going to bed very soon even though it's only 8 pm.

      Love LW in SE WA

    2. I understand the summer travel dilemma. Jerry's not a happy camper at the prospect of me being gone for two weeks and the timing of it doesn't help (first of month). He's looking at doing all the statements and bill paying by himself. At this point we are both feeling overwhelmed. Yes, I decided my pictures needed a little dramatization. Since the wedding was all on my cell phone, the quality of pictures was definitely not the point.

  2. Loved, loved, loved ALL of your photos and captions. Thanks for coming, for being there for me, for all you did, and for coming while sick. You are a dear, dear sister!!!!!! I owe you so much and love you! It is fun to see each different perspective. There are photos that I didn't even know about.

  3. Gracias! Sick, sick and sicker, the trip home was no picnic but I survived it. John says he caught my cold or Teri's. I was so miserable I don't think anyone else got any of it. But the cold is fading and the memories aren't. So there you go! And now you're embarrassing me with your lavish affection! :) Love you back. You know that, though.

  4. Oh yes and the pic of me was while I was hiding under a tree trying to mostly stay dry. That all went out the window halfway through the ceremony. But it was beautiful and I so appreciated the joy and peace felt from the ceremony. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success!

    Love LW in SE WA

  5. Cold and damp...until what, six o'clock? Then the sun we were hoping for came out, dried things off and warmed things up. Finally! Should have waited just a few more hours, right? Missing you here, but had a busy, full early bday for your little brother. Some shooting sports, so fun to hit the target. Swimming. 2 and a half hours he said with glee. Shopping for exactly what presents his mother agreed to. DQ postponed. Can't win em all. Stick shift practice in the pasture with the Toyota, lots of uncle J style spoilage. A taste of fun here and there to celebrate turning 14...oh, the raft trip...soaked to the skin and trying to rescue camera with a long, slow rice dip. Sally is quite the exercise am I, but the rib is killing me. Too bad about the fussy baby you got stuck with. Did his mom need a break?

    1. Yes, it warmed up quite nicely in the evening. PERFECT weather then. But if I had to sit out in that, I would have had to get out the sunscreen! :)

      Glad to hear about the bday. He is having a FUN summer! What a spoilin' auntie and uncle we have...I remember the festivities of March this year too.

      Oooh sorry about your camera. Yes, hopefully the rice works. I have heard good things sometimes and that it didn't work other times.

      My little 5-month-old buddy's mama works. She usually works only one hour a week but had opportunity to fill in for someone at a surgery center and that is why she had a full 8-hour day. Neither the baby, the mama, nor myself were used to that. The full day may become a once-a-week thing. Nice to have a little extra income, but I feel sorry about how the separation goes. I can only do so much. He cried about 1.5 hours of the time toward the end. Screamed really. But I wasn't neglecting him... and he wouldn't take a nap for anything. Oh well. I get my baby fix without having to stay up nights. Not sorry about that.

      Love LW in SE WA

  6. When I was there I posted a comment to this blog, but I see now it is nowhere to be found. You know I was perfectly delighted with your photos and quotes. I just loved how you took photos no one else would have thought of taking. Just loved the ones of the Habners waiting for the mothers. Also the children photos with captions that tickle my funny bone. Thanks for my favorite form of entertainment... looking at photos. Though it could be argued that doing painting projects with my sister is right up there in the favorite things to do category.

    1. Agree. Loved those creative moments, too. Definitely a high point of your visit! Thanks for the research presented for stage two/three! Gives me pause for thought. A commitment not to be taken lightly! Not picturing my idea just now, and not sure I want all blue or blue/white mixture! Maybe I'll have it figured out by October. Sorry about the fussy babe, LW. That is no fun, I think he missed his mommy something awful.
