Friday, November 30, 2012


Hola! Our Pickup Gal At Denver!

Colorado - The Beautiful

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!

 ~Albert Einstein

Gorgeous Frisco


Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining? 

 ~Robert Brault

Trade Ya?

The Winner!


Saturday Morning

                                             Family is just accident.... 
They don't mean to get on your nerves.  
They don't even mean to be your family, 
they just are.  

~Marsha Norman

On Track

2 Chai Tea Lattes, one Creme Brulee Latte and one water -
Sequence, Monopoly and Adios

At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable.  

~Mark V. Olsen and Will Sheffer, Big Love, "Easter"

Fantastic sunset, bad camera.

If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections, 
held together but separable - each segment distinct. 

 ~Letty Cottin Pogrebin

A great time, wow! 

Connecting the backpacks.  If one goes, they all go.

Moving; 18 hours to go.

Denver International Airport ~ Hasta Luego!


  1. Oooooh! Looks like you guys had a great family time. Makes me miss you all. One of these times I'll have to get in on it again! Sure like your themed quotes this week.

    Can't beat family games. What a blast! We enjoy all those games too. Sure happy for you all that you had a bit of down time to do that instead of working your tails off as usual!

    So who's moving? And from where to where? Unless it's a secret. Says the non-Facebook gal who usually doesn't have a clue about most goings-on these days.

    Lyle's out working on building new cabinets/work benches for his wood shop. I know he's enjoying himself. I have been cleaning house. Expecting a worker for the night tomorrow after Special Meeting. Special young sister (my age) from AK. Sure looking forward to that. Girls are fighting over toys. It's all business as usual. Still want to make cookies tonight so I can have something sweet to put in our lunch tomorrow.

    We had one of the warmest December 1sts I remember in many years. I think it was 57 at it's highest. Tradition here is that it snows on the day of special meeting but I doubt that will happen this year. Probably will rain but too warm for snow. I'm not complaining!

    Love LW in SE WA

  2. Thanks for giving us a taste of your Colorado vacation! Glad that you had some good time together. It is fun to see your family.

  3. BTW, I wanted a pale sage green, Steve wanted a very pale sand almost cream) and somehow we ended up with a pale yellow green (kiwi) It is more energizing than I wanted, but Steve wants an energizing color for when he wakes up. Letitia, I have made a quilt top out of the left overs from the baby quilt I made for you. It was supposed to go in Amanda's room, but will take a detour to our bedroom for a while as it will match the new paint in our room rather well. I quilted (in the ditch) most of it today, and will try and finish it and some curtains this week. Steve got the ceiling sanded and painted, the walls painted, and the trim around the ceiling up and painted. Now he needs to do the floor and trim up around the doors and windows. Hopefully this week. Yay!

  4. Progress on all fronts, it appears! However as my dw in on the blink due to broken plastic sealing rings, I have to face facts. It's dishwashing day! And why are paint colors so hard to get right? GROAN! Another quilt. Are you avoiding homework or just that productive? Yay for sis-nsperation! Must get moving. Aw yes, moving. Mindy packed up her sewing machine, a bike or two, some Spanish textbooks and the teaching aids she had worked up and is finally getting these things to Arizona where she can use them. All her moving has been by airplane up until Thanksgiving, so she was limited on what could be taken along. I resist playing games, but find it fabulously fun and quite fascinating once we get going. Jerry and I whupped up on Mindy and Duane our first game of Sequence. They decided maybe they should avoid playing with married couples. However, they won the second time.

  5. Enjoyed your photos. Realize we need to chat again. Will call in a few days. Work a couple days this week and trying to get some stuff done.

    Added notes to last weeks blog just now too.

  6. I think the Denver Airport is beautiful. Always strikes my fancy to think of its representation of the teepees on the prairie. The ride in the little pickup was bumpy and I didn't take my good camera due to space constraints and snowboarding, but regretting that decision! Thanks for the call yesterday and the emails. Glad you had a fun holiday with Wilton's!
