Friday, October 26, 2012

Many Splendid Things

I am in favor of preserving the French habit of kissing ladies' hands -
 after all, one must start somewhere.  

~Sacha Guitry

“Women and cats will do as they please, 
and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” 

― Robert A. Heinlein

"A self-centered man admitted: "Sure, I know that the Bible says to love our neighbors as ourselves. But frankly, I don't believe that my neighbors can stand all that affection."


A Bonk on the Head

We begin and began together
When stars collided long ago
Head and tail, me and you
Or vice versa.  Legendary,
Blazing across the sky
Haley’s Comet
Cruising through space,
A remote and familiar
Talisman of ever expanding galaxies,
A meeting of two so young,
Pronouncing the future,
What is meant to be, the pattern set
Then forgotten
An important part of creation
Which not man nor nature may part,
For the evil things can only delay
The inevitable eternal Union
Assisted by angels, who
Have been sent and are
Walking perhaps unnoticed,
Often in fear and pain among us.
Awaken, then my love,
To dream in the
Unfathomable heights
Of night or to be swallowed
In unimaginable depths.
To find that we have been
Born on eagle’s wings
For a time,
Until, becoming less angelic we
See that love truly does exist on this plane
And so does evil.
An encounter with things that
Should not be but are,
We see stars of a different kind.

People who throw kisses are mighty hopelessly lazy.  ~Bob Hope

"Love of country is like love of woman;
 he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good."

Felix Adler

"No one in love is free, or wants to be."

Rock a bye Baby

A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth - and endures all the rest.    ~Helen Rowland

Give me a kisse, and to that kisse a score;
Then to that twenty, adde a hundred more;
A thousand to that hundred; so kisse on,
To make that thousand up a million;
Treble that million, and when that is done,
Let's kisse afresh, as when we first begun.

~Robert Herrick, "To Anthea (III)"

"I was nauseous and tingly all over. . . . 
I was either in love or I had smallpox."

Woody Allen

Joy of Cooking

Thursday, October 18, 2012

 Love Notes 

Homecoming - Midair

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.


Few people have the wisdom to prefer the criticism that would do them good, to the praise that deceives them. 

Francois de La Rochefoucauld 

Sandwich every bit of criticism between 
two layers of praise. 

Saved for a Rainy Day

“In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.”

- Mignon McLaughlin

Strings Attached

 And the moonbeams kiss the sea: -
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?

~Percy Bysshe Shelley, Love's Philosophy

The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. 

Norman Vincent Peale
Throwing Gravel, young Nick at Western Trail Crossing
Fashion Statement

Straight off the presses
A shy bird alerted
Then swiftly she flew away,

And what was the scoop
From barbed-wire perch
She thought so important to say?

Well, open your eyes
And also your ears
'Cause Autumn is dressed for the day!

For leaves on the trees
Gold crowns are bees knees
And Beige is the new black, you can see.

For Robin what's in
Is the same reddish tinge
Though somewhat more sleek and thin.

All black for the Crows 
Some, a blue satin chose
That appears in their evening clothes. 

The Water said I
Am reflecting the sky
But covered in jewels she is.

Sky blue is the rage
Greenish blue for the Sage
And for Aspen, no fashion; just a musical phase.

These are the things
An autumn day brings,
In the song the tiny bird sings, though little she had to say.

“It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you.”

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thought Process

Morning Sun Bath - Willow and Dart 

“And this mess is so big 
And so deep and so tall, 
We cannot pick it up. 
There is no way at all!” 

Going Under

Because there is only a lifetime,
Not enough time to show you what you mean to me,
Now I understand that’s why there is heaven.
The way you hold me, safe.
The way you turn your head to watch me, when you walk away
Is heaven. The way the sunlight
Shines out of your eyes like two flames of fire.
The way you move and  the way you wait,
Your patience with me is beauty beyond words
To me. That you can speak to me soundlessly
Words that are just between the two of us,
And the way my skin tingles and I shiver.
Because you seem to know
Every moment how much I need you.
Although you overpower me
The overpowering is such a beautiful thing
That I don’t mind at all even though I nearly slipped beneath the
Surface of life, close enough
To be overwhelmed by hopelessness that is 
Without end, yet ends. It ends when you raise me up again. 
Then I understand the lesson. You are my very breath. 
So can we do that again?

Man can alter his life by altering his thinking. 

William James

“Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” 
― Robert Fulghum

Try not thinking of peeling an orange. 
Try not imagining the juice running down your fingers, 
the soft inner part of the peel. The smell. 
Try and you can't. 
The brain doesn't process negatives. 

Doug Coupland 

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever

Hide-and-seek, grown-up style. Wanting to hide. Needing to be sought. 
Confused about being found. 

“...a person that started in to carry a cat home by the tail was gitting knowledge that was always going to be useful to him, and warn't ever going to grow dim or doubtful.” 

“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” 

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. 

Bill Gates 

Pizza on summer squash actually tasted way better than I thought it would.

     These two pictures are my attempt to demonstrate our efforts to have simple, healthy food at our house.  We have a couple of rental remodels going on in Cody and one in Arizona.  This involves me taking several deep breaths daily.  Jerry likes to remind me that we have a lot to do by listing off some of the things he has on his mind before he goes out the door every day. I know, however, that what he mentions is only a partial list.  This does not decrease my stress but I'm glad it seems to works for him.   It is clear that our motivations are sometimes rather different, but I think this is quite normal for couples. I find it both quite difficult and thoroughly fascinating  to work through the reasoning process from his point of view.  It is good brain exercise, it's good for me.  Think

      One of the things I love to do is go to the grocery store.  The produce department with it's palette of beautiful and colorful options is a feast for the eyes.  Yellow bananas, apples of pink, green, red and yellow, vivid lemons and limes, forest green avocados.  Golden grapefruit, green grapes, blueberries.  Lettuce, spinach, herbs, orange carrots, purple cabbage, yellow and white onions, green broccoli, white cauliflower.  The deeper the color, the better for vitamins, so I check out the blueberries and the raspberries, and choose the one on sale to add to a smoothie or just eat by the handful for a bedtime snack.  Pick up a kiwi or two for topping a salad or adding to a smoothie.  Selecting the perfect peach.  Smelling.  Are the strawberries good?  The cantaloupe ripe?

      The best food is simple.  It's hard to top the taste treat of a good mixed salad and a fire grilled pork chop with a side of applesauce or a slice of cantaloupe.  If you grill a second pork chop at the same time as the first, slice it up for a cold salad topping the next day.  A lunch of a salad in a jar is hard to beat for a mid day flavor sensation.  Your tastebuds will have a blast.

      A good stir fry is a work of art.  Cabbage is fairly inexpensive, lasts well and can be used in a salad, in tacos, in stir fry, so it's a good choice.   Red peppers are high in vitamin C, and are wonderful on the grill.  Add some some chopped zucchini to the onions, broccoli and celery of your stir fry for flavor and cook it all on the grill.  Mix in some bite sized pieces of warm, juicy, spicy, cooked chicken and dinner is ready.

       Having several selections of fresh fruit and vegetables on hand works because we are so busy in the evening.  Jerry likes a quick supper so he can get started on his evening project and I like having options when I open the refrigerator after a long afternoon concentrating on book work.  I don't participate in the local Bountiful Baskets because I just don't want to commit to going for the pickup and whatever else it takes. That is just too complicated for me right now, but I did enjoy a quick stop at the Farmer's Market. I have to wonder, as I survey my fresh meats and vegetables on the conveyor belt at Albertson's, that ahead of me someone has a stack of frozen chicken pot pies, and bottles of pop, what the real cost differences are between my beautiful fresh meats and vegetables and their pre-fab "food".   I feel proud of my selections and excited so see what meals they will become.  I have some ideas in my head, but time constraints will decide.

          Being healthy costs money whether it is taking care of ourselves now, or fixing ourselves later.  I have an aunt who is 80 plus  years old and goes to exercise class three times a week.  She's been doing it since she turned 55.  She doesn't have children of her own, so that was some of her motivation to be active and fit well up in years, but she is really incredible. The difference in her abilities is so striking when standing next to others in her age group, that really, there's no comparison!  She laughs about it, and it's no wonder.

        Okay, I know.  Pepperoni is not the healthiest source of protein.   It is my favorite pizza, however, so I decided it would be a good way to see if this type of crust would work for me.  I had my doubts, shall we say, but it was delicious.  I think I will try a few healthier toppings next time.  I like green pepper and onions, Jerry is a fan of olives.  Some sausage would be excellent.

        Simple food, easy to prepare for a quick and easy salad, or just slice up and put on the table next to an easy main dish is so tasty, often comparable to the meals we've selected at our favorite restaurants. And the best salad dressing?  Cottage Cheese.  That's my opinion, anyway.  Custom portion sizes are a huge bonus to fixing our own meals, because there's no need to decide whether to eat half of it and take the rest home, and try to re-heat it, or over-indulge now and be miserable for the next 6 hours.

       Because I'm usually on my own for lunch, my mid-day meal is often eat and run style.  Two hours later, I often can't remember if I've eaten or not.  Grabbing several handfuls of grapes on a pass through the kitchen is sometimes as good as it gets.  The reality is that life is sometimes that hectic, and it can be a real battle so plan my snacks so that I'm not ravenous by 5:00 p.m.  Maybe that's why my kids are struggling with this whole healthy eating regime.

        The reason for this post and these two pictures, besides reminding myself of my goals to eat smaller servings more often, is to help the kids through a stretch when it seems eating correctly is as important as it is difficult.  Maybe in the process, I will be more mindful of getting 6 meals a day instead of a haphazard, semi-starved three.

        Several years ago my daughter was given a Robert Fulghum poster.  It listed "Everything I need to know about life, I learned in Kindergarten."  Hanging by our dining room table, it served as the family misson statement.  Aha.  I don't know if you've noticed, but kindergarten kids get snacks!  Just ask the mom of a kindergartner who just this week sent Bugs in a Boat (celery filled with peanut butter with golden raisins on top) to school for the class.  There have been several studies that have proven that eating smaller meals more often enhances weight control.  It sounds simple.  I just need to remember to take my little baggies of veggies tomorrow when I head to my flight. Airport food is so expensive.  Besides, traveling can be hard work!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

 A Piece of My  Mind

Kissing is a means of getting two people so close 
together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.  

~Rene Yasenek

        The dreaded call wasn't as bad as it could have been.   "Dad,  my car broke down again. The Hell's Angels picked me up and brought me to Susie and George Williams' in Saratoga."  Having prided myself on not being a worrier, it seemed I was more or less successfully transforming into one of the world's best, brought about because of having kids and calamities in the same sentence, both imagined and real, usually minor, with a threat of danger, rather like cloudy with a 30% chance of showers and an occasional downpour. The reality was that when it came to my kids, I had been forced to face the fact that I wasn't doing as well as I would have liked at regulating every aspect of their lives.  From clueless teachers who lost homework (really?) and didn't have the energy and commitment it took to implement the grandiose ideas of an overly proud-of-her-doctorate principal to bike wrecks and bullying neighborhood children, my ability to protect my children had been challenged rather more than I would have liked.

        Sometimes, however, like when your daughter is rescued by Hell's Angels, you just know you are living right.  What was she, less than 100 miles from Laramie, her car parked on the side of the road, some five and a half hours from home?  Safe and sound with friends.   Mind you, the bikers were hauling their bikes, not riding them, but still.

    I had grown up with a high value placed on doing whatever it took.  The motto was short and sweet: Get the job done.   Figure it out.  Common sense was valued highly, so if your solution wasn't safe and reasonably smart, judgement would be swift, decisive and memorable.   Worrying wasn't really part of the equation.  We did what needed to be done, and we expected the kids to, as well.  They did.  She did.  Figured it out, solved the problem, got help as needed.  Off she had gone to Spain to polish up her high school and advanced classes of Spanish.  My little girl, 18 years old, walking beside me when I took her to the Denver International Airport, looked about twelve.  That made my hair stand on end.  Six months of it made the Hell's Angels look like the Cookie Monster.  (Thanks, tough guys!)  That night she and her dad hit a deer after they headed home with the car hauler loaded with her Ford Tempo.  That prompted installing a deer guard as the next priority on
the to-do list.

     The next time she headed home, she made it a few miles farther down the road before trouble struck again.  "Mom, my car broke down. And it's pouring rain."  Updating me a few minutes later, I learned that a Mexican family in a mini van stopped to pick her up.  "I'm at bar in Jeffery City, but they will be closing in a couple of hours.  Sure hope Dad can come get me."   It was about three and a half hours away, and off he went, once again towing the car hauler. (Is that why we bought the trailer?)  Meanwhile, with her dad en-route, Mindy went home with a couple of girls who worked in the bar, strangers that lived nearby.   Well able to visualize the awkward mingling of the innocent with the worldly aware, I felt the discomfort of the situation.  Uneasily, the hair on my arms seemed to tingle, my neck tensed.  What was to be done? Mindy and Jerry got back to Cody at about 5 a.m. That was the time she and I decided she positively needed a more reliable vehicle.

 More reliable, that is to say, than the Ford Tempo with low mileage that she had purchased for an affordable  eight hundred dollars, from a little elderly woman who no longer drove it.  The plan was that it would serve her well for her college years but soon it had required repairs for about that much again.  The deal of the year went a little sour.

      Then there was the snow storm, that night in mid-winter when she caught a ride home to Cody with a friend.  They ended up stuck behind a semi truck, stranded in drifting snow for fourteen hours, until the highway patrol sent snow cats out from Rawlins to pick them up and take them back to hotels for the night.  We called to check on getting through with our four wheel drive.  Jerry was chomping at the bit, ready to make the grand rescue. The highway patrol said firmly that the roads were closed. "No, you absolutely may not bring your four wheel drive pickup through the closed roads and we will arrest you if you try."  Do they not realize how difficult it is to do nothing?

          We think of ourselves as self-sufficient westerners from strong, resilient stock, from chieftains perhaps, in the olden days, possibly even warlords, riding fast horses over the steppes of ancient Russian or Turkish territory, descendants of pioneers who survived the Oregon trail. At the very least we know there's some strong Norwegian background on my Grandfather's side - probably Vikings, and some hardy 3/4 German as well.  Add to that a large helping of practicality and fairly common sense accompanied with very good imaginations and a healthy dose of fighting spirit.  We read the stories of blizzards, of lone horsemen surviving on their own in the late 1800's, out on the high plains winter prairie,  nursing a warm cup of coffee over a carefully built fire while avoiding hostile enemies who were (hopefully) hunkered down for the storm through which man and beast struggled in the ultimate test of endurance.  And worst of all, I had memories of North Idaho winters.  Whiteouts and black ice, blizzards.  Crawling at a snail's pace down highways coated in thick shining ice.  Cars off the road, in ditches as we crept by, breathing a sigh of relief when we weren't one of them.  One Toyota pickup standing upright on it's grill in the meridian.  Not mine, thank goodness.  One brilliantly white and icy Sunday afternoon I had watched helplessly as the impact of my staid and sliding tank-like sedan, with a sickening crunch, destroyed the large green fender of an antique truck, whose driver was an innocent bystander pulling people out of the ditch.

     We know the dangers, we've seen what it's like out there in our present day heated luxury vehicles, traveling through a vast wasteland of paved byways where the buffalo roam and the antelope play.  Where nothing stops the piercing wind and the relentless, dangerous cold of winter has it's way and you don't see another car for miles, where the long arm of the law is literally across the road, a barricade closed firmly behind you, the last car through by the skin of your teeth, the cold tubular steel rod representing the solitude of the vastness, the choice to venture out where ice and blowing snow could mean death or danger.  We've driven those roads with all manner of winter gear, a coffee can full of dry matches, newspaper, a candle, extra blankets stuffed in our trunk, and some dry snack food along, just in case.   And they tell us to wait. Our daughter is out there. They don't understand.

           When we are in trouble we figure out how to fix it.  We aren't city slickers, dependent on a bunch of rules and regulations, sitting around waiting for someone to do something, encumbered by red tape and delusions of peaceful solutions that make everyone happy.  But no. We had our orders.  We waited. Through howling wind and freezing cold, the hours passed slowly, long and monotonous, as if we were sitting in a car with a ferocious storm blasting icicles at us through the whiteout.  Road conditions no longer mattered very much.  They wouldn't be going anywhere for awhile, and apparently, neither would we.

        Anxiously, we checked in again and again.  Snow blew and swirled through the night.  The car was buried in it,  Ominously, they finished eating the snacks that were in the car. We paced and waited, amazed and thankful for cell phones and cell phone service.  Their voices were clear as bells. We were informed. From when the heater quit working, until they abandoned the vehicle and joined up with the guy in the pickup behind them for a more reliable heater, we got the latest update, the tense play by play.  Giving up a lost battle with concentrating on anything else for the evening, we anxiously peered out the window into the darkness,  as if we could see something happening 300 miles away, as if they would soon be on their way, and seeing nothing.  Distant across the night, moments lengthened and stretched into hours.  We napped fitfully, until at last the news came that the snow cats were arriving to carry the stranded travelers back to Rawlins, and for what was left of the night, we would all try to get a little rest.  In the morning the cars were dug out of snowbanks and hauled back to Rawlins.  Our children would complete their journey home following the snowplows, storm abated.  As if the blizzard of the previous night was only a bad dream, the sun appeared, sparkling brightly across the white landscape as if to say, "What were you worried about?"  Gladly, I retrieved my travel weary but smiling daughter.  Present adventure over.  For a few short hours she was home.  I treasure those rare moments when I can shelter them, keep them safe.  The moments when I know where they are and what they are doing, when I can fend off any bad guys from my doorstep, when the greatest threat to their well-being is an overly protective mom.

And all too soon, I stand on the doorstep waving as they go again, into the unknown.

Through it all, there is one lesson.  Certain thoughts creep in: fear, devastation, worries.  The mind sometimes reels under the very real impact of unthinkable possiblities.  I am tempted to walk away from a challenge when a thought appears testing my purpose and resolve to conquer something new.  I wonder where these thoughts come from, and more importantly, how to deal with them.

So here are my rules in case it helps someone else:

1.  Acknowledge.  The thought is there, has made it's appearance.  Therefore it exists.  The fear that is behind it, although from unknown sources, is real.  

2.  Think of it as a garden.  If it isn't a thought that is helpful to you, it is a weed thought.  Not a seed thought.  Pluck it out, toss it away.  If allowed to grow it will take water and sunshine from the things you want to grow, from the plants that are there for a reason.

3.  In our garden, we plant seeds.  Things that will feed and nourish us.  The thoughts that don't help us simply need to be removed.  That is really all there is to it.  

4.  Thankfulness.  A simple solution is the knowledge that there are people, (perhaps at present we may not see them, but they exist) who care about us so deeply that there are thoughts they would never want us to entertain.  They have even told us, perhaps, not to think a certain way when we have felt discouraged.

5.  Take the next step.  Push through the momentary doubts.  Just move on if you can.  Or rest completely.  Sit still, feel, think.  Be real.  

6. Try one more time.  My doubts come on pretty strong when I'm physically pushing myself on the exercise rings, or sweating it out on a new and difficult cardio routine.  Just do what you can for this time.  Next time is another time.  And just maybe, you'll do better.  

In trying to get our own way, we should remember that kisses are sweeter than whine.  

Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, 
because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath. 

 ~Eve Glicksman

Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.

Robert Frost

Faith is a knowledge within the heart, 
beyond the reach of proof. 

Khalil Gibran 

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, 
and tolerant of the weak and strong.  
Because someday in your life you
will have been all of these.  

George Washington Carver

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.  

~Mark Overby

 Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made
For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.

~William Shakespeare

 Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  

Albert Camus

 How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.  

Annie Dillard

The doctor must have put my pacemaker in wrong. 
Every time my husband kisses me, the garage door goes up. 

Minnie Pearl 

 God pardons like a mother, who kisses the offense into everlasting forgiveness. 

Henry Ward Beecher 

How did it happen that their lips came together? 
 How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, 
the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the 
stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill?  
A kiss, and all was said.  

~Victor Hugo

Humility is the only true wisdom by which we 
prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life.

George Arliss

 Has fortune dealt you some bad cards?  Then let wisdom make you a good gamester. 

 Francis Quarles

Full Moon and Some Other Stuff

 Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery. 

 Dr. Joyce Brothers

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. 
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. 

George Washington