Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cabin Fever...

a book, a project, sunshine, and a Bonsai...

New Year's, a time of before's and after's...

Getting good at multi-tasking!

Warm, spring-like weather is our chance to wash
away the effects of numerous storms!

A shiny car...worth waiting for!

Little buck peaking from the canal...

A little more nervous than "town-deer".

There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
  ~Edith Wharton

Mindy's lamp re-do.  
This lamp was
brass or some such thing,
 with lots of crystals.  She
 removed about half of the crystals,
and spray painted it silver.  I enjoy watching 

her explore her creativity.  She says I am creative, too.  
I like to share ideas for teaching with her.  She thinks I would like
teaching.  I did enjoy teaching...three special kids!  I'm glad if I can still help 
them enjoy and create.

My reading part.

“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.” 
― Carlos Ruiz ZafónThe Shadow of the Wind 

Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom.  ~Taki


  1. Ah yes! The girls and I drove through a $6 carwash today (big treat for all 3 of us!) - beautiful sunny afternoon...yeah, I thought about washing it myself BUT it still felt too cold for that. I'm sure it's no warmer where you're at! :) And reading library books too - feeling like I need to branch out in my genres again. Our one-hour-a-day at the gym helps fill up time too as I'm not getting work right now. Glad for the updates of your days!

  2. Good to hear, Letitia! It was so warm that my hands didn't get cold, but I did duck when the cold water splashed over me...shiver! Doing Zumba again 3x/wk. Lots of book work but NOT very much of the kind that's on that shelf!
