Saturday, May 10, 2014


about Mom because she's awesome.

She likes Chinese food, is always looking for the bright side, and
believes in making things happen.

She's a grandmother, like me.

She saves, displays and values old things.
She organizes it all so she can find it at a moment's notice.

She dishes out good advice;
'Be a blessing in giving generously.'  

"Read my favorite childhood stories."
"Be careful of heat stroke."

Upon our return to Arizona Ave, our condo has
 been turned into a work zone for a tub upgrade. 
 I found a new box of 80 K cups in the cupboard.

She doesn't drink coffee. 

 Also there's a new digital clock on the nightstand.
Our guests have added four new books to the reading shelf
 including the local phone directory.  
They've filled a decorative gold vase with area maps.

She's practical in planning.
'All end tables and living room furniture should have drawers for storage.'
"Furniture purchases should be carefully considered for practical use.
 Buy durability and also things you love.
You will have the pieces for a long time."

"Enjoy life."

You don't need to buy a new pattern for everything.  
Make up your own.  

Orders were often delivered in the form of a firm stance. The answer didn't change
not matter how often you asked the question.

Don't criticize your husband to your friends.
It indicates you are uncertain of your own good judgment.

Count things.  Your blessings, to 10, and always be prepared.

Bacon Wrapped Dates at The Ivy.
Have plenty of food options available for impromptu entertaining.
Spare no reasonable effort to serve others but let your guests join the fun.
 It's a great way to entertain.  Have fun with it.

Happy Mother's Day to all
 of you and your mothers and children from me and my mom.


  1. Yes, that is our mom and you as well. Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

  2. Thanks. Same to you. Just heard the sound of returning motorbikes but no sign of them remembering Mother's Day! Ha! Woke up exhausted this morning - but slept fairly well!

  3. A lovely tribute to your Mom, Monika. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Nothing else I ever wanted to be than a mom. She's been my mothering inspiration from a very young age. There's much more that could be said!

  4. I got my car vacuumed, by my hubby. And yummy french toast for breakfast - we were out of milk, so he used half buttermilk/half heavy cream. Success!

    Suffering from allergies or I would have enjoyed a walk down a nice street in our town. Instead just hiding out in the house, away from the breeze and the dust from the garage/woodshop cleaning going on.

    Made myself "Laura Bush's Governor's Mansion Cowboy Cookies" from pinterest. Pretty good! Very filling. Only could eat two.

    Sent Mom her Mother's Day present. Opened a goodie folder full of Mother's Day gifts from my kindergartener. Charming!

    Your post was well thought out. I appreciate it. Thank you!

    Love LW in SE WA

    1. So glad you had a nice Mother's Day. Great idea for a Mother's Day gift from your husband! I like that! I'm trying to go "off" sugar right now - so would pass on even Laura Bush's Cowboy Cookies. I saw a post about someone taking a year off from sugar and thought I should definitely try to do that so here goes. I'm also in the process of beating off a cold by microscopic increments. My Mother's Day was handled very nicely since I barely got out of bed. Spent the weekend in Arizona with Duane. Hadn't been there in months, so was good to see him.

    2. Good for you for going "off" sugar for a year. If somebody can do a year, why not many years? For then you'd already be in the habit of not having it, so easier to maintain. I'm sure I would benefit in many ways from no sugar. Hard to give up chocolate though...for now just doing my best to keep it moderate.

      So glad you got to be in Arizona. Lovely. :)

      LW in SE WA

  5. thanks for all of the are to generous...we LOVED your condo. thanks for that too...

    love mom..

  6. Wow! I must have been busy and missed this blog. I love it. You and mom have helped me immeasurably in mothering. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you!
