Equal Opportunity Employment
Mule Deer Buck - "I Hear You." |
√ Rental Project Cabinet Painting
Before and During - Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue |
The Mess - Getting it Done |
After Waxing, Before Handles |
Solution to the Handles coming loose -
Washers Both
Inside and Out. |
Done and Approved |
√ Stack of Statements/One of Two. |
√ Art lesson One of Two. |
Building a dolly for hauling containers. |
Taking time to smell the flowers @ our small town "Pike's Place Market".
Albertson's Flower and Gift Department. |
Saving Pallets, thank you Pinterest.
Time or Money Dilemma/Sleep or Motivation Dilemma.
And that reminds me of another project... |
Dried Hydrangea |
Re-Do of Old Favorite
"Spaghetti" Carbonara-Magdalena served over
sliced avocados and spinach
instead of noodles.
Six Slices of Bacon, chopped and fried crisp, remove from pan.
Two Italian Sausages with membrane removed, stir-fried, add to bacon.
1 Egg, lightly scrambled to the side of hot meat mixture.
Sprinkle with 1/4-1/2 Cup Parmesan cheese.
(I was out, so used Mozzerella and Romano)
Add a few tablespoons of cream and stir.
Sprinkle lightly with pepper and nutmeg.
Mix in Spaghetti (cooked)
Sprinkle raw Spinach and sliced Avocado with Salt and Pepper
(for a somewhat healthier alternative)
and top with meat mixture.
Delicious - probably serves 2, don't plan on leftovers. |
Visit bluemuze.blogspot.com's profile on Pinterest.
Thank you for your kind words! I thought it was kind of a lazy way to blog. Jerry missed the noodles, I found out later when he made stop at the store for me, and brought home a box of spaghetti along with my requests.