Tuesday, October 7, 2014

To Your Health
Half of small pineapple
Some Dried Coconut
1 Tablespoon Raspberry Chia Seed Jam
1/2 can Coconut Milk
Two teaspoons Coconut Oil
Splash of Pure Vanilla

Serve separately:
Four or five bite sized peanut butter Snickers squares

Followed by:

One trampoline workout,
One zumba or yoga workout,
100 jump ropes,
25 squats,
10 burpees,
10 times up the stairs
a walk,
10 pushups,


a nap.

Natural light
Natural food

Petered out pineapple.  Still good, though.

Crescent Moon

Smoky Signals ~ Indian Summer

Heart Mountain Autumn.

Sundown Across the Road

Can't Get Enough

-of the view out my kitchen window-

Gold Leaf 


  1. Your smoothie recipe looks and sounds wonderful. Thank you for taking the coconut recommendations on faith that what I read in "Coconut Oil Miracle" is actually true. We are testing it out at our house. Time will tell. Many of our friends and family are sick and we are not. Is it the water? The earthing? The coconut oil?

    Your photos are amazing. I enjoy them so much.

    Busy days here. Hope to catch up soon.

    1. I did manage to start the book and get back to in once - my brain is tired! Yay. The weather is unbelievable right now. I think I may have to give up grounding. Jerry was outside grounding in the tent on Sunday. When I went to find him, he said he thought he was brushing a spider off his leg, but it turned out to be a water snake. While he was telling me this, I spotted a black widow spider. Sigh. Life is so dangerous for scaredy cats.

    2. Well who would have guessed there were such hazards to earthing. My goodness. I would have to give it up too. However, the Cydwoq shoes are getting a real workout. I wear nothing else right now since the weather is nice. Possibly you are in the market for a grounding sheet?

  2. Your photos have such depth and amazing vivid colors. The smoothie recipe sounds wonderful, I am just not sure how the Snickers fit in there. ;)
