Lessons Learned in Solitude
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Ice Krispies for Breakfast It was going to be all about nature this week - but something came up~Thanksgiving! |
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Not feeling so good. |
Pride is for thugs and felons. Look at that. |
So much can be accomplished when it doesn't matter who gets the credit.
Irene Bement
I suppose everyone expects me to have more great wisdom this week since last week blew you away, right? Well, maybe one or two wouldn't mind seeing me take a good trouncing - or would be happy to help to give me one. Story of my life, but my critics are in for a treat, (hey, I know you are out there) because it just so happens that I don't have more wisdom. I have less. I think it's supposed to work like that, though, so it's okay. That means a good trouncing is out of the question, I hope.
This is the message: the more you learn the more you understand that you don't know. Oh, you don't think that is a brilliant, life altering revelation? I know, we've all heard it before. I have got news for you. I would suggest that familiarity does not make it less valuable. I just got another look at it, saw things I should have seen it before but hadn't really embraced the lesson. It seems clear as the mountain-tops, blue as the sky above. Revelation can have the effect of literally silencing a person. Has that ever happened to you?
It is a helpless feeling when you think, like I do today, that I am supposed to say something and you become aware that you know less than you did last week. Pretty sure this blog post will be short. I just want very much to be silent. Despite the feeling of not knowing what to say, of wanting very much to say nothing, I actually like being in this place. It's liberating.
With epiphany came understanding: the best thing for me to do is to quietly wait. Feeling more than a little helpless makes me listen - and somehow conversely, I may be smarter than I used to be. Sorrier, too, for all the times I ran into this great wall and thought I could vault over problems both minor and earth-shaking by sheer force of will despite every previous indication that my magnetic personality wasn't the answer to life and everything in the universe.
I like how it makes me feel: humbled, of course, curiously free. It helps me understand that I have said far too much already, and the best thing to do is say nothing; to wait. Which I hate. Please don't make me wait too long! But then, it's not about me - not really. It's about you. A calm you; because that is an influence I am not yet ready to surrender.
I like knowing that the best thing I can do, after my notorious calming influence, is get out of people's way. I hope you aren't laughing. Just ask my kids how calm I can be. No, never mind. Don't ask them. I have very passionate opinions about humans or snakes, but I'm eerily calm about dogs, cats, and ummm. Ants. Anyway, what I learned in solitude is that the answer people are looking for is within their own heart. Comparison to someone else doesn't cut the mustard, so although it's easy to say so-and-so can do this or that, just don't. I know you will, but it's pointless. We're all human; flesh and blood, but we aren't all the same inside our heads or hearts.
Hearing from me what you should do is the worst way, the most inaccurate way and the least appealing way to get the news. I'm not your doctor. We can't just hand out general information to our friends and they probably weren't aware we're a walking set of encyclopedias so they haven't asked, but we always have to get the basics out of the way: Did you try...etc.
Everyone has tried the easy stuff already, trust me, they have. Your friends aren't stupid. At least not that stupid. They are just waiting for the moment when it is safe to identify the real answer; the moment when it is safe to share the real answer, the hard answer, when they won't be mis-judged for their action. You know the one I mean: the Answer that makes you dig down deep for the courage or the integrity you need - that comes when really you don't have any other option.
This does not apply to your doctor. Please listen to your doctor. A second opinion (or several) is great. Ah, come on. Do your own research. Everyone should have the basic care and keeping of the human body down pat, by now. If not, get started. ASAP.
After this insight, (thank you Solitude, Utah for being there for me) I feel like I have a better grasp on the concept that maybe someone has just been waiting for me to just get out of their way for a very long time. They may need to feel very safe before they are ready to take the next step. If there is anything I would like to give, it is this: that my close friends, my family would feel safe; courage to fight the good fight, confident of my belief in their value, certain of my acceptance and understanding. Confident and unconcerned about being questioned for their motives, character, or vision even if it isn't the way I would do it. If I can't give good support I need to remove myself from the vicinity, because I've totally screwed up before.
Aside from that one time, even those people who do not believe in my extraordinarily brilliance, who possibly aren't hanging on my every word for any good reason (all the wonderful, brilliant, slightly or very distant people in my life who have their own bubbling or turbid well of wisdom or shame) can find their Answer, too. A loving, silent assist; I really hope I have learned the lesson.
For having no intention of posting one thousand words, like an over-achieving cement mixer more content tumbled out than intended. To choose timing over slicing content means it is publishing time. This is what you get for encouraging me, sisters. I really do want to be a better listener.
Dimmer Switch on Soft and Slow |
Miserable cold. I got it, so I know. |
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Simple toys are best. When will we learn? |
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Fire building lesson. |
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Proud as Punch |
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Not crazy about the new phone camera - Takes all kind of editing and fuss, but the memories are keepers. |
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Okay, it does well in daylight. More buttons to work on, maybe. |
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A Plug for VRBO.com ~ Swiss Chalet belonging to the Florin family, Solitude, Utah |
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A Plug for Wyoming - Okay it doesn't all look like this, but have you ever noticed how magnificent the sky is? |
So why do you think anyone would want you to have a good trouncing? Or give you one? That would be attracting trouncing to them so it would be quite unwise to desire it for another. This brings a verse to mind that is a favorite of mine (one of many): Micah 6:8 ..."what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" It's the mercy part that I am thinking of at the moment. I had this one experience where someone close to me had given me a good trouncing and I was keenly feeling the unacceptance. I had an early morning inspiration to pray for mercy for that person when a feeling of peace washed over me. There's nothing quite like it.
ReplyDeleteLike your writing, like your photos. Sorry you've had that cold. Want you to feel strong and well.
More later, I need to get supper on the table which is bits and pieces of left over Thanksgiving feast.
In my experience, it's a hard scrabble life. Whether or not that is what I have attracted remains to be seen. I am getting used to feeling like the underdog that has to fight for my scrap from the table, so to speak - to prove my point of view. This can be challenging, but also an opportunity to learn how to communicate effectively, so I find that preparing myself is time well spent. Liken it to taking a deep breathe, to focus, before a performance. It's the starting point where I am aware I will have to prove my point, supposing I have one. There will be always be dissenters, yourself included. When everyone starts agreeing with me without needing me to defend my point of view I will get worried that I no longer have a voice that matters. Because of the large group of close-knit, opinionated people protecting their territory which I have been associated most during my adult life, I found myself frequently at odds with the majority. When people get over confident and/or self righteous, they lose me. So I am attracting dissension? Perhaps. I guess I'm not a big fan of the status quo - as in we've always done it this way so it must be right - it lacks freshness. Since when have you and I had discussions that didn't involve some differing points of view? We attempt to find common ground, however difficult, because to agree is pleasant and we are now too old to settle our differences by biting, hitting, and pulling hair. Even you, my dear sister, question my focus, as above, and I honor your right to do so.
ReplyDeleteYou don't give up easily do you? That's yet another thing I admire about you. We will go further on this another day. Today it is off to Sp Mtg for which I am in great anticipation.
DeleteThanks for sharing your heart and mind, Monika! I can't wait to meet up in Denver and head north to freezing weather with you. I will say Hawaii appeals right now. I feel that you have a depth I do not have and value the self examination that comes from you sharing your heart. Just a few days!