Thursday, September 5, 2013

Greek Goodbyes
Gate In Plaka

Athens ~ Graffiti

Special Old Friends.  
Okay.  I love this. So impressed with this lovely Armenian lady who slept next to us.

Aruth and George

A great many laws in a country, like many physicians, 
is a sign of malady.


Chick Pea Salad with Feta Cheese ~ Enalion, Pollonia  

Adamas ~ Could have stared at the water all day.  
Pollonia Studio

Sarakiniko Caves

In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give it to the other.


Beach Feet on the Coffee Table
My New Camera Bag

Greek Style

Amphitheater and My Best Girl


  1. More wonderful photos...thank you! Every photo is a treat. Also like your quotes and captions. Thank you for doing such a great job of taking photos on that amazing trip and diligently sharing them with us. Wonderful!

  2. Intersting ti experience some "flashbacks" as I work...Helps with "reentry" making the transition back to a different. Reality much more pleasant although that reentry consisted of ankle
    stinging plants and waltzing through spider webs! Just like preps, right?

  3. I love seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing a little more of your trip. And the shoes and purse are awesome! Very cute and you will be able to use them a lot!

  4. I like how the camera bag no only has a function but works with the decor too. Great choice. The shoes are cute AND practical. Good choices.

  5. Fastest shoe shopping trip EVER! Why do I do that? We had hours left in the day!
