Friday, December 7, 2012

Battle of the Blues

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us. 
Quentin Crisp 

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. 

Zora Neale Hurston 

The Apple Effect

A princess recalled
 With puzzled remembrance
That she believed
In happiness
But hope seemed to have ended
Somewhere out there,
Where the thread of memory
As a sealed fountain of
Past tears 
Could not fall again
Having once been

Her feet
She had once upon time
Placed on a 
Gray marked stone
And she wondered, "Do
I belong to the cold, still, 
Darkness of memory, 
Past the time of Princes,
Of dreams; content 
And comforted by 
A kind of kinship
With the dead?"

Through life, and
Beyond the rivers 
Her soul had passed.
 Experienced in loss and sorrow,
Her resume' current,  
She applied to the 
Courts of heaven
For entrance, possessing
An understanding
Of those before.
And denied, 
She pled.

And perceived a 
Language called Wisdom, 
 By which she conversed 
With the aged now and then
On the other side
Of the River between 
Life and Death,
The Great River, 
A legacy of sound, 
The speech of souls,
An echo of the
Living dead.

Remembered faces
She knew
Some had been blessed and
Lined with age, kind eyes lit
With understanding,
Knowledge unspoken.  
Each one drew her gaze
Or begged her hear
And she was sustained.  
Alive, waiting, 
No longer sorrowful,
With these angels, whose
Tongues and shining eyes 
Were filled.

 Watching eyes
Seemed to know 
She had been
Misplaced somehow
Between two realms,
Was buoyed -
Strengthened by
Sweet, deep 
Silent empathy.
For the time is now, 
They know
(For whom there is no time), 
To wait, having completed 
The course of life
A live body,
A soul dead.

While she, seeming 
Perfect in repose 
Through the time 
Of sorrows,
Wondered how to
Complete her journey,
A shadow in the forest, a
Horseman, soft of step 
Appeared and drew near.
 The footfall of a Prince
Upon the forest floor 
Was heard.

Softly stirring,
Scarcely heard among
Persistent breezes,
The breath of life
Brushed across her,
Crept through her veins,
Insistent upon life,
Bringing awareness.
Awakening came by degrees,
Unfurled sensations, 
A place beyond regrets 
Death was declared 
Thus, the
Command to live
Was obeyed.

We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it. 

Willie Nelson 


We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. 

Albert Einstein

Project - Ready, Set, Go!


Shared on facebook today.  Have a listen!

1 comment :

  1. I don't think Snow White probably was feeling especially 'fine', but she took it all quite calmly in every Snow White story I ever read. All I could ever figure out is that she must have been puzzled by people with evil intentions. She had to have been aware of the evil. The cruel and jealous person who pursued her to where she was living with the 7 dwarfs and gave her the poisoned apple? Well, she had been making the best of the situation there and improved the lives of the seven dwarfs until she unwittingly accepted the apple. I guess it made me think that one needs to be careful. If you are too innocent, you would naively accept things from people who have bad hearts, which was a very dangerous thing to do, but it turned out all right in the end. Perhaps the poem is mostly about believing in good overcoming evil, no matter what. I always felt concerned that the apple made her very sick and she nearly died in the process. So yes, to address the problem of hiding how we really feel? I need to work on that too. Usually I have the best luck just dealing with it by keeping busy with projects and exercise! And writing. :) Life is full of challenges. Wish mom had saved my letters! :) oh well.
